It's Almost Christmas!!!
So, I haven't updated in a while... I've been really really busy with Christmas stuff... I can't believe this would be my very first post for December!!! Could I be more of a blog slacker or what!!! Haha! Anyways, so much has happened since Thanksgiving... so, pardon me if I forget something... Let me get my thoughts straightened out...
Let's see... I guess I'll start with Dec. 1st... So, Kevin had their Regional championship game that night... Sadly, they lost to Nease High... but we soon found out that Nease was on probation for 5 years. They (FHSAA) did an investigation and found out that Nease had been cheating by recruiting players from other school zones and the coaches were offering the parents of the players jobs and monetary gifts, etc... Anyways, everybody is really upset about this, because Nease got a very light punishment and this did not even disqualify them to go on to Miami for the State Championship... Well, I guess Karma got to them since they lost to Plant high from Tampa in the championship anyway :-)
So, now that the football season's over, Kevin's focusing on working out, weight-lifting and stuff... I think he's joining Rob's basketball team, with JB, as they started practicing last Saturday for the season, which starts on Jan. 2nd!Also, Kevin's on the Lincoln Track team... He does shot put! I'm not sure if he's still going to be in it this year though... And before you know it, they'll be having their annual Spring Football Jamboree and the cycle continues... Hopefully, the Trojans will go all the way to the State Championship next year (which will be here at the Doak Campbell Stadium--home of the FSU Seminoles!). Since most of their players--like Kevin--are juniors, they have a really good chance to dominate next season, especially because their JV (Junior Varsity) team was undefeated this season and will be moving up to Varsity in the Spring!!!
On Saturday (Dec. 2nd), Rob had to go to work to reload their servers. And I took that opportunity to go Christmas shopping (mostly for Rob)... and I was able to wrap his presents up before he even got home from work :-) We were supposed to go to the Catfish Championship party that night, but I took a nap and woke up with a horrible headache. I told Rob to go without me, but he stayed home instead, so we missed that one :-( That Sunday, we didn't do much but had dinner with Kevin at Smokey Bones.
Kevin celebrated his 18th birthday last Wednesday, Dec. 6th!!! I can't believe my "baby" brother is already 18!!! Yes, he's 18 and in 11th grade because my mom enrolled him in nursery school instead of kindergarten when he was 5!!! He never failed, in case you're wondering... He's actually pretty smart... He's really good in Math--which is one of my minors in college (because it's required for B.S. Software Engineering, and a minor in Physics too) and is one of my strongest subjects as well as Kathryn's... I think we took after my dad in that area--the Math and Science part, that is :-)We didn't have a big party, but we had a great family dinner and I made Kevin a stacked Krispy Kreme cake... LOL Anyways, he'll ALWAYS be a "baby" brother to me, not matter how much bigger he grows :-)
On Friday, Dec. 8th, Rob and I attended his company's Christmas party at the Doubletree Hotel. We had a really great time, well, except I got a little upset because Rob didn't want to dance. He danced once but that was it!!! Anyways, maybe I can get him to take dance lessons in the spring???? Haha, just a thought! We'll see...
Last Saturday, Rob had to work overtime yet again, so I went with my parents Christmas shopping... I had to help them pick out what to get everybody for Christmas... haha... including me! So, I've pretty much opened up 1 present already! Well, Rob did too though... He met his dad at the fairground's gun show so he can pick out one of his Christmas presents... One thing about my husband that everybody knows is that he's REALLY SPOILED!!! He's so spoiled that our bestman--Jimmy, who is Rob's cousin--even stated the fact during his speech and I quote him... "Rob's spoiled, but that's Kerstin's problem now!!!" haha! So, yeah, dad bought him a $600 pistol last Saturday, just because Rob wants one! I remember the Christmas we got engaged (2 years ago), he wanted a new set of wheels for his Bimmer... so what did mom and dad do??? Well, they bought him the $5,000 set of rims, of course!!! Last Christmas was pretty low-key... I think Rob opted for cash or something... Well, except for the fact that they bought us some really expensive set of China--which we still haven't used and is still sitting in our China cabinet! Anyways, mom and dad may be spoiling Rob, but I sure keep him grounded :-)
On Sunday, Rob worked on the lawn (finally!)... We have this huge oak tree on our front yard that sheds tons of leaves everywhere... Well, he's not technically done. He has yet to work on our back yard and our deck is blanketed with leaves.. Sunday night, we had dinner with my in-laws... I was finally able to see mom's Christmas decorations... They were also done decorating their lawn, which inspired us to follow through :-) Mom gave me a bunch of wreaths and Christmas lights, so I basically have no excuse not to decorate outside... :p
My sister Kathryn's graduating on Thursday!!! I was going to throw her a big party, but she didn't want that, since She and her bestfriend Shelley are both graduating and are having a party at the Holiday Inn downtown next weekend... So, we're celebrating at Olive Garden on Friday night instead... Kathryn accepted a job offer at TMH and she'll be taking the NCLEX exams next year. Speaking of which, while we were having dinner at mom and dad's, Spencer told me that they have an ornament hanging on their tree that looks like Kathryn... So after dinner, he showed me where it was and sure enough, there hanging on a branch was a tiny nurse with black hair, a round face and big black eyes... and Spencer proudly said "See... I told you that's Kathryn!"... haha!
So last night, Kathryn and Kevin came over to help us put our Christmas lights up! Well, they mostly helped Rob, while I decorated the wreaths with bows and nosegays and hung them on every window and door. We didn't go "all out" as Kevin kept saying, since this is our very first attempt... But Kathryn already have big plans for next year though... She's going to help me pick out all the stuff we're going to put on our lawn!!!
JB's been missing all the action :-( He mostly works Mondays-Fridays from 3-11 PM, so he couldn't be there with us! Yeah,my siblings and I are workaholics... Mainly because we like having our own money... We don't like depending on our parents. We've all been working since high school (Yes, Kevin works now too!!!). Eventhough I had a full scholarship, I worked 40 hours a week my first 2 years in college and started working more the last 2 years. On my senior year, I had 2 jobs, with almost 60 hours per week combined... All this while having a full load of courses all 4 years at FSU!!! Kathryn's been working 2 jobs too, despite having a full scholarship... She even has an internship, so it's like having 3 jobs, while going to Nursing school full time... But that's all about to change for her come Thursday!!! I'm extremely proud of my sister, despite what she has gone through... All her hard work has paid off!!! I remember that feeling, my last day at FSU... the feeling that I've accomplished SO MUCH from NOTHING--that it didn't even cost me a penny to get my degree and now my sister gets to experience what I had! And JB's been blessed with a great job (thanks to Rob's connections) that he gets to attend FSU full time while pursuing Physical Therapy... and He even pays for his own tuition!!! Hopefully, Kevin will get a scholarship too... if not a full athletic scholarship to play football, then he'll definitely get a partial academic scholarship through Florida Bright Futures so long as he maintains a good GPA! People often say... (My co-workers mostly) "Your parents are so lucky to have you! My son/daughter who's older than you still depends on me!!!" They're wrong!!! My siblings and I ARE LUCKIER to have parents like them... We may have ignored some of their teachings when we were younger, but we always remembered them... and we learned from our mistakes... They never spoiled us and taught us to work hard for what we want... and because of them, we have come this far!!!
Anyways... After decorating, we all went out to eat at Boston Market... Mmmm... It was like having Thanksgiving all over again!!! So, two hours later and a tired crew of 4, we now have this...

The front of our house

Front (without the flash)

The front porch

Wreath on the door leading to the garage

Wreath on the door leading to the deck

Left side of the house

Wreath on the front door... I made all those wreaths from scratch :-)
And this is what I've been doing the past couple of weeks... Christmas shopping!!! I'm almost done... yay!!!
Let's see... I guess I'll start with Dec. 1st... So, Kevin had their Regional championship game that night... Sadly, they lost to Nease High... but we soon found out that Nease was on probation for 5 years. They (FHSAA) did an investigation and found out that Nease had been cheating by recruiting players from other school zones and the coaches were offering the parents of the players jobs and monetary gifts, etc... Anyways, everybody is really upset about this, because Nease got a very light punishment and this did not even disqualify them to go on to Miami for the State Championship... Well, I guess Karma got to them since they lost to Plant high from Tampa in the championship anyway :-)
So, now that the football season's over, Kevin's focusing on working out, weight-lifting and stuff... I think he's joining Rob's basketball team, with JB, as they started practicing last Saturday for the season, which starts on Jan. 2nd!Also, Kevin's on the Lincoln Track team... He does shot put! I'm not sure if he's still going to be in it this year though... And before you know it, they'll be having their annual Spring Football Jamboree and the cycle continues... Hopefully, the Trojans will go all the way to the State Championship next year (which will be here at the Doak Campbell Stadium--home of the FSU Seminoles!). Since most of their players--like Kevin--are juniors, they have a really good chance to dominate next season, especially because their JV (Junior Varsity) team was undefeated this season and will be moving up to Varsity in the Spring!!!
On Saturday (Dec. 2nd), Rob had to go to work to reload their servers. And I took that opportunity to go Christmas shopping (mostly for Rob)... and I was able to wrap his presents up before he even got home from work :-) We were supposed to go to the Catfish Championship party that night, but I took a nap and woke up with a horrible headache. I told Rob to go without me, but he stayed home instead, so we missed that one :-( That Sunday, we didn't do much but had dinner with Kevin at Smokey Bones.
Kevin celebrated his 18th birthday last Wednesday, Dec. 6th!!! I can't believe my "baby" brother is already 18!!! Yes, he's 18 and in 11th grade because my mom enrolled him in nursery school instead of kindergarten when he was 5!!! He never failed, in case you're wondering... He's actually pretty smart... He's really good in Math--which is one of my minors in college (because it's required for B.S. Software Engineering, and a minor in Physics too) and is one of my strongest subjects as well as Kathryn's... I think we took after my dad in that area--the Math and Science part, that is :-)We didn't have a big party, but we had a great family dinner and I made Kevin a stacked Krispy Kreme cake... LOL Anyways, he'll ALWAYS be a "baby" brother to me, not matter how much bigger he grows :-)
Last Saturday, Rob had to work overtime yet again, so I went with my parents Christmas shopping... I had to help them pick out what to get everybody for Christmas... haha... including me! So, I've pretty much opened up 1 present already! Well, Rob did too though... He met his dad at the fairground's gun show so he can pick out one of his Christmas presents... One thing about my husband that everybody knows is that he's REALLY SPOILED!!! He's so spoiled that our bestman--Jimmy, who is Rob's cousin--even stated the fact during his speech and I quote him... "Rob's spoiled, but that's Kerstin's problem now!!!" haha! So, yeah, dad bought him a $600 pistol last Saturday, just because Rob wants one! I remember the Christmas we got engaged (2 years ago), he wanted a new set of wheels for his Bimmer... so what did mom and dad do??? Well, they bought him the $5,000 set of rims, of course!!! Last Christmas was pretty low-key... I think Rob opted for cash or something... Well, except for the fact that they bought us some really expensive set of China--which we still haven't used and is still sitting in our China cabinet! Anyways, mom and dad may be spoiling Rob, but I sure keep him grounded :-)
On Sunday, Rob worked on the lawn (finally!)... We have this huge oak tree on our front yard that sheds tons of leaves everywhere... Well, he's not technically done. He has yet to work on our back yard and our deck is blanketed with leaves.. Sunday night, we had dinner with my in-laws... I was finally able to see mom's Christmas decorations... They were also done decorating their lawn, which inspired us to follow through :-) Mom gave me a bunch of wreaths and Christmas lights, so I basically have no excuse not to decorate outside... :p
My sister Kathryn's graduating on Thursday!!! I was going to throw her a big party, but she didn't want that, since She and her bestfriend Shelley are both graduating and are having a party at the Holiday Inn downtown next weekend... So, we're celebrating at Olive Garden on Friday night instead... Kathryn accepted a job offer at TMH and she'll be taking the NCLEX exams next year. Speaking of which, while we were having dinner at mom and dad's, Spencer told me that they have an ornament hanging on their tree that looks like Kathryn... So after dinner, he showed me where it was and sure enough, there hanging on a branch was a tiny nurse with black hair, a round face and big black eyes... and Spencer proudly said "See... I told you that's Kathryn!"... haha!
So last night, Kathryn and Kevin came over to help us put our Christmas lights up! Well, they mostly helped Rob, while I decorated the wreaths with bows and nosegays and hung them on every window and door. We didn't go "all out" as Kevin kept saying, since this is our very first attempt... But Kathryn already have big plans for next year though... She's going to help me pick out all the stuff we're going to put on our lawn!!!
JB's been missing all the action :-( He mostly works Mondays-Fridays from 3-11 PM, so he couldn't be there with us! Yeah,my siblings and I are workaholics... Mainly because we like having our own money... We don't like depending on our parents. We've all been working since high school (Yes, Kevin works now too!!!). Eventhough I had a full scholarship, I worked 40 hours a week my first 2 years in college and started working more the last 2 years. On my senior year, I had 2 jobs, with almost 60 hours per week combined... All this while having a full load of courses all 4 years at FSU!!! Kathryn's been working 2 jobs too, despite having a full scholarship... She even has an internship, so it's like having 3 jobs, while going to Nursing school full time... But that's all about to change for her come Thursday!!! I'm extremely proud of my sister, despite what she has gone through... All her hard work has paid off!!! I remember that feeling, my last day at FSU... the feeling that I've accomplished SO MUCH from NOTHING--that it didn't even cost me a penny to get my degree and now my sister gets to experience what I had! And JB's been blessed with a great job (thanks to Rob's connections) that he gets to attend FSU full time while pursuing Physical Therapy... and He even pays for his own tuition!!! Hopefully, Kevin will get a scholarship too... if not a full athletic scholarship to play football, then he'll definitely get a partial academic scholarship through Florida Bright Futures so long as he maintains a good GPA! People often say... (My co-workers mostly) "Your parents are so lucky to have you! My son/daughter who's older than you still depends on me!!!" They're wrong!!! My siblings and I ARE LUCKIER to have parents like them... We may have ignored some of their teachings when we were younger, but we always remembered them... and we learned from our mistakes... They never spoiled us and taught us to work hard for what we want... and because of them, we have come this far!!!
Anyways... After decorating, we all went out to eat at Boston Market... Mmmm... It was like having Thanksgiving all over again!!! So, two hours later and a tired crew of 4, we now have this...
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