"Rob" Madness!
Geez... I can't believe it's already Friday! This week has gone by in a flash! Not that I'm complaining... It just seems like I was sitting at Messer Park yesterday with Melissa (which really happened last Monday) and now the weekend's here... again :-)
Speaking of the weekend... Last Saturday was a lot of work--yard work that is! We took out a total of 6 trees in our backyard and a bunch of bushes... thanks to mom and dad... and MOST ESPECIALLY my brother JB--who was on Spring Break, but did yard work in lieu of partying it up with the college crowd in Panama City... LOL!!! They were really such great helpers!!! Rob and I couldn't have done it without them! Thanks again guys! So, I never got to plant my hydrangeas, but I will do that on Sunday afternoon (if it doesn't rain)!!!
Saturday night, we chilled with the sibs--Kat, JB and Kevin! We try to go out as much as we can on rare occasions when we're all not working!!! I was so glad JB had the weekend off and Kat had a break after studying and taking her boards... So, Saturday night was our celebration of her accomplishments (to be continued tomorrow LOL)! Rob and I love hanging out with my siblings because we always laugh so much (mostly about Kevin... haha! Just kidding!). We wanted to go to Maccaroni Grill, but the place was so packed, so we drove around for quite a bit until we decided on Ruby Tuesday. I love that we all fit in one car (for now), but while we were driving, I kept thinking that we needed to do this more and more often because SOON, we won't be able to :-( I know Kat's thinking of becoming a Travel Nurse, but I'm not sure how soon she will be moving out of Tally, JB has 1 more year at FSU to get his Bachelor's and then plans to take his Masters in Physical Therapy at University of Florida (Boo! LOL)... Well, at least he'll only be 2 hours away!!! ...and Kevin will be a senior in High school next year, so if he gets a college football scholarship, he will more than likely be moving away, possibly up North :-( The reality that we're all growing up (too fast) is finally sinking in, but no matter what happens or no matter where we end up living, we'll always make time to hang out and visit each other as often as we can :-)!!! But for now, we're trying to hold on to and enjoy what we have!
Moving on... Sunday was another busy day. Rob cleaned my car while I cleaned the whole house... Have I ever mentioned we're total neat freaks? Having a messy house is such a pet-peeve... I couldn't function well with all that mess!!! And the same goes with my office at work... It would just drive me nuts! Sunday night was dinner night with mom, dad and Spencer. This time, we went to Olive Garden! We love O.G., we've had great memories there through the years. Afterall, that's where Rob and I had our first date almost 6 years ago *sigh* :-)
So, I haven't mentioned how Rob's team--The Mainline Catfish--is doing... We're now moving into the 3rd week and so far, they're 4-0!!! Which means, they've won 14 in a row (10-0 from last season)! Oh, and they have a new website http://www.lp2baseball.com/wiki/index.php/Softball... and I was appointed by Coach JRad (Justin Radigan) to be the official photographer. Actually, he "volunteered" me... how nice!!! So, I took some mug shots last Wednesday... I was unable to take everyone's picture, but here's what I have so far...

Anthony "Ant" Orr

Alex "ARod" Alvarado

Alex... really feeling like ARod... LOL!!!

Dan "The Man" Corum

Freddie "The Prince" Schuknecht

Jimmy "Jimbo" Sauls

Justin "JRad" Radigan

Rob "RDub" Walling :-)

... and another one of my baby

Oh and another one of Jimbo's sexy pose... LOL

The team warming up...
After the game on Wednesday night, we headed to BW3's on Tennessee! It was fun hanging out with the boys--some of Rob's childhood friends--Alex, Robbie, Ryan, Jimmy and Justin. They always crack me up!
Anyways... March Madness is here!!! Actually, I dub it "Rob" Madness... In March of every year, Rob goes NCAA basketball crazy (as I'm sure other ladies could relate with their boyfriends or husbands)!!! Well, he goes even crazier in the Fall (for NCAA football) and well into January for the Bowls, but we're basically EVEN then because I just love college football!!! Anyways, for March Madness, We usually do the bracket thing (per Rob's insistence)! BUt what gets me is that he "insists" on watching almost all the games on TV (which means being glued to it all night)! I mean, I'm surprised he hasn't TiVo'ed all the games yet... or has he?!?! UGH! Well, I planned on beating him with his bracket this year, but I already got screwed last night when Duke lost... Can you believe that?!?!?! We'll see... My final 4 are still going strong! So, let's not jinx it ;-)
So, tomorrow, to continue Kathryn's celebration, we're heading to Madison (again) for "Firing Bootcamp"! And it's "St. Patrick's" Day so it's really perfect... Can you feel the luck??? Well, then, let the celebrations begin...
Speaking of the weekend... Last Saturday was a lot of work--yard work that is! We took out a total of 6 trees in our backyard and a bunch of bushes... thanks to mom and dad... and MOST ESPECIALLY my brother JB--who was on Spring Break, but did yard work in lieu of partying it up with the college crowd in Panama City... LOL!!! They were really such great helpers!!! Rob and I couldn't have done it without them! Thanks again guys! So, I never got to plant my hydrangeas, but I will do that on Sunday afternoon (if it doesn't rain)!!!
Saturday night, we chilled with the sibs--Kat, JB and Kevin! We try to go out as much as we can on rare occasions when we're all not working!!! I was so glad JB had the weekend off and Kat had a break after studying and taking her boards... So, Saturday night was our celebration of her accomplishments (to be continued tomorrow LOL)! Rob and I love hanging out with my siblings because we always laugh so much (mostly about Kevin... haha! Just kidding!). We wanted to go to Maccaroni Grill, but the place was so packed, so we drove around for quite a bit until we decided on Ruby Tuesday. I love that we all fit in one car (for now), but while we were driving, I kept thinking that we needed to do this more and more often because SOON, we won't be able to :-( I know Kat's thinking of becoming a Travel Nurse, but I'm not sure how soon she will be moving out of Tally, JB has 1 more year at FSU to get his Bachelor's and then plans to take his Masters in Physical Therapy at University of Florida (Boo! LOL)... Well, at least he'll only be 2 hours away!!! ...and Kevin will be a senior in High school next year, so if he gets a college football scholarship, he will more than likely be moving away, possibly up North :-( The reality that we're all growing up (too fast) is finally sinking in, but no matter what happens or no matter where we end up living, we'll always make time to hang out and visit each other as often as we can :-)!!! But for now, we're trying to hold on to and enjoy what we have!
Moving on... Sunday was another busy day. Rob cleaned my car while I cleaned the whole house... Have I ever mentioned we're total neat freaks? Having a messy house is such a pet-peeve... I couldn't function well with all that mess!!! And the same goes with my office at work... It would just drive me nuts! Sunday night was dinner night with mom, dad and Spencer. This time, we went to Olive Garden! We love O.G., we've had great memories there through the years. Afterall, that's where Rob and I had our first date almost 6 years ago *sigh* :-)
So, I haven't mentioned how Rob's team--The Mainline Catfish--is doing... We're now moving into the 3rd week and so far, they're 4-0!!! Which means, they've won 14 in a row (10-0 from last season)! Oh, and they have a new website http://www.lp2baseball.com/wiki/index.php/Softball... and I was appointed by Coach JRad (Justin Radigan) to be the official photographer. Actually, he "volunteered" me... how nice!!! So, I took some mug shots last Wednesday... I was unable to take everyone's picture, but here's what I have so far...
After the game on Wednesday night, we headed to BW3's on Tennessee! It was fun hanging out with the boys--some of Rob's childhood friends--Alex, Robbie, Ryan, Jimmy and Justin. They always crack me up!
Anyways... March Madness is here!!! Actually, I dub it "Rob" Madness... In March of every year, Rob goes NCAA basketball crazy (as I'm sure other ladies could relate with their boyfriends or husbands)!!! Well, he goes even crazier in the Fall (for NCAA football) and well into January for the Bowls, but we're basically EVEN then because I just love college football!!! Anyways, for March Madness, We usually do the bracket thing (per Rob's insistence)! BUt what gets me is that he "insists" on watching almost all the games on TV (which means being glued to it all night)! I mean, I'm surprised he hasn't TiVo'ed all the games yet... or has he?!?! UGH! Well, I planned on beating him with his bracket this year, but I already got screwed last night when Duke lost... Can you believe that?!?!?! We'll see... My final 4 are still going strong! So, let's not jinx it ;-)
So, tomorrow, to continue Kathryn's celebration, we're heading to Madison (again) for "Firing Bootcamp"! And it's "St. Patrick's" Day so it's really perfect... Can you feel the luck??? Well, then, let the celebrations begin...
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