PĂȘcher... Part Deux
Rob and I had a really busy weekend (again)! And you know what they say... it really DOES fly by when you're having fun :-) As short as it may have been, we had a "Fanta-Bulous" time!!! LOL
So, Saturday morning, we woke up real early for our fishing trip. We picked up my brother JB at my parents' house, then stopped by Coffee Beanery for breakfast. I really do love their coffee!!! They're slowly mushrooming around the country... Watch out Starbucks! LOL... Anyways, we stopped by to get our fishing licenses on our way to the beach house (which took a while because the cashier guy was having some issues with the register... JB said he "looked creepy!!!"... I definitely agree!!! LOL). So, we are now fully-licensed Salt Water fishermen!!! And our licenses are good for one year... Haha! Then, we'd have to get a new one when it expires!

After getting our fishing licenses... on the way to the beach

Dad's brand new boat

Spencer's testing the engine :-)

Leaving the dock (of the beach house)

My bro, JB... on the cover of GQ!!! haha!

With the co-captain, Spencer :-)
We got to the beach house just in time, as dad was busy loading up the boat in the backyard. Then, off we went to the bay and eventually into the gulf. The wind was blowing pretty hard and we encountered some pretty rough waves, so it was a rocky ride, but overall a gorgeous day! We fished for about 5 hours and sadly, we only caught one fish--well, ROB caught it! While we were fishing, JB caught sight of these huge fins, which scared the crap out of me because I thought they were sharks, but then it turned out they were dolphins :-) They were everywhere... and it was so cool to see them nearby!

The boys getting a lesson from Dad

Hey Mom! Are the fish biting or what?

This one's for the GQ centerfold!!! LOL

It's all about the bait, eh, Rob?

JB: "Uh, I see sharks over there!!!"
Me: "Eeek! Ok, let me reel in my line... QUICK!!!!"

The first big catch of the day!
Dark clouds started blowing in and we could feel the rain coming, so we called it a day. We were all so disappointed that we only caught one fish!!! But we didn't give up and as soon as we got back at the beach house, JB, Rob, Spencer, and I once again tried our luck and threw in our baits into the backyard waterway. A few minutes later, I, too caught a fish. It was the same exact species, size and weight as Rob's. It was a beautiful Spanish Mackerel!!! JB was upset that he didn't catch one, but he's definitely "hooked" on fishing now!!! haha! So, it seems like we just found ourselves a new hobby! Now, JB's planning on buying new fishing rods and baits to improve his fishing skills for our next trip (which would be after we get back from our Canadian vacation)! Can't wait for our next one!!!

MY TURN!!! Whoohooo!!!
So, we hurried back home to Tally, took our showers to freshen up and headed to the Tanguiligs' house for our Pacquiao party! After dinner, I was so exhausted that I fell asleep while playing with my god-daughter Rachel and her sister Andie in their brother's room! I didn't even care that the boys were all in there playing PS3 and being loud as ever! Luckily, Rob woke me up just in time for the Pacquiao-Solis match... and what a fight that was!!! I thought he would lose for sure... but then the tornado warning came on and cut off the program. Before we knew it, somebody was laying on the ground (TKO'd) and that's when we figured out it was Solis!!! We were so mad we didn't see the highlight before he was knocked out, but we're just glad Pacquiao won again! (Hey, there's always YouTube, you know!) haha!
Sunday afternoon, after sleeping in late and running errands, Rob and I headed to Jenny's house for Bentley and Helen's party! I haven't seen most of Rob's cousins since his birthday party, so it was good to see them again and catch up! Rob and his cousins were busy playing Nintendo Wii... Man, they get really competitive! Those things could give you a serious workout... Rob said he really did break a sweat! LOL... Afterwards, we had a quiet night at home. I've been wanting to see the "Lake House" and made Rob record it on TiVo a few weeks ago, so we finally watched it that night. Well, I watched it, anyway--Rob drifted off to sleep while laying on my lap... so, I guess he really didn't see the movie! He must've been so tired from our busy weekend :-)

The Wii addicts!!! (not in picture: Jimmy, Michael and Bentley)

Bentley... opening presents

She loved what Rob and I got her and started playing with it!

Rob: "Honey, I'm ready to go HOME!!!"
So, Saturday morning, we woke up real early for our fishing trip. We picked up my brother JB at my parents' house, then stopped by Coffee Beanery for breakfast. I really do love their coffee!!! They're slowly mushrooming around the country... Watch out Starbucks! LOL... Anyways, we stopped by to get our fishing licenses on our way to the beach house (which took a while because the cashier guy was having some issues with the register... JB said he "looked creepy!!!"... I definitely agree!!! LOL). So, we are now fully-licensed Salt Water fishermen!!! And our licenses are good for one year... Haha! Then, we'd have to get a new one when it expires!
We got to the beach house just in time, as dad was busy loading up the boat in the backyard. Then, off we went to the bay and eventually into the gulf. The wind was blowing pretty hard and we encountered some pretty rough waves, so it was a rocky ride, but overall a gorgeous day! We fished for about 5 hours and sadly, we only caught one fish--well, ROB caught it! While we were fishing, JB caught sight of these huge fins, which scared the crap out of me because I thought they were sharks, but then it turned out they were dolphins :-) They were everywhere... and it was so cool to see them nearby!
Dark clouds started blowing in and we could feel the rain coming, so we called it a day. We were all so disappointed that we only caught one fish!!! But we didn't give up and as soon as we got back at the beach house, JB, Rob, Spencer, and I once again tried our luck and threw in our baits into the backyard waterway. A few minutes later, I, too caught a fish. It was the same exact species, size and weight as Rob's. It was a beautiful Spanish Mackerel!!! JB was upset that he didn't catch one, but he's definitely "hooked" on fishing now!!! haha! So, it seems like we just found ourselves a new hobby! Now, JB's planning on buying new fishing rods and baits to improve his fishing skills for our next trip (which would be after we get back from our Canadian vacation)! Can't wait for our next one!!!
So, we hurried back home to Tally, took our showers to freshen up and headed to the Tanguiligs' house for our Pacquiao party! After dinner, I was so exhausted that I fell asleep while playing with my god-daughter Rachel and her sister Andie in their brother's room! I didn't even care that the boys were all in there playing PS3 and being loud as ever! Luckily, Rob woke me up just in time for the Pacquiao-Solis match... and what a fight that was!!! I thought he would lose for sure... but then the tornado warning came on and cut off the program. Before we knew it, somebody was laying on the ground (TKO'd) and that's when we figured out it was Solis!!! We were so mad we didn't see the highlight before he was knocked out, but we're just glad Pacquiao won again! (Hey, there's always YouTube, you know!) haha!
Sunday afternoon, after sleeping in late and running errands, Rob and I headed to Jenny's house for Bentley and Helen's party! I haven't seen most of Rob's cousins since his birthday party, so it was good to see them again and catch up! Rob and his cousins were busy playing Nintendo Wii... Man, they get really competitive! Those things could give you a serious workout... Rob said he really did break a sweat! LOL... Afterwards, we had a quiet night at home. I've been wanting to see the "Lake House" and made Rob record it on TiVo a few weeks ago, so we finally watched it that night. Well, I watched it, anyway--Rob drifted off to sleep while laying on my lap... so, I guess he really didn't see the movie! He must've been so tired from our busy weekend :-)
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