Georgia on MY mind...

We're heading to Atlanta tonight... it's been a year since we went there. My cousin Kim and her parents live up there... so, we're staying with them.
We're going to the new Georgia Aquarium tomorrow, which is the LARGEST aquarium in the world... We're also going for our little cousin Bella's first birthday party!... Geez, time flies... The last time Rob and I went there, she was barely a month old...
My sister Kathryn and brother Kevin are going with Rob and I... We were suppose to take my new car but since we've only bought it a couple of days ago, it'll take about a week or two to get our new insurance cards... bummer!!! But that's actually good for me since I WON'T HAVE TO DRIVE FOR 5 HOURS STRAIGHT, I can get some sleep on the way there... Besides, I can't drive a manual stick and it's not like Rob will let ANYBODY drive his BMW!!! Yeah, my husband's all psycho about his car... but hey, I understand now... I'm starting to be just like him with my new one too!!! Ha!
Bella's birthday was actually last weekend... but her party's being held tomorrow... Can't wait to hang out with my cousins... Even now that we're all grown up and have our own careers--some of us married and some have kids--we still find time every now and then to visit each other and just chill... like the good 'ole days :-) Can't wait to get to ATL and let the party start tonight!!!
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