My absence from the blogging world will be justified later on... First, let me say, that a lot of things have happened since I last posted. A few to sum it up... dinners with families, Dan and Melissa's house warming party on June 9th, movie nights, Rob's tournament ball game since June 11th (which is still going on tonight), my father's 49th birthday on June 14th, and many conversations with family and friends...
I have NEVER EVER felt more vulnerable in my life than these past few weeks! Being young and at that prime age, I've always felt invincible! But I've come to realize otherwise...
I had a lumpectomy done last Friday, June 15th! Prior to that, I went through many sleepless nights, anxiously waiting for the day to come. What prepared me and helped me the most are my family, colleagues, and friends! Their constant support and encouragement guided me through this journey.
It has given me a new outlook on our wedding vows. "In sickness and in health" means more than words can say and Rob has delivered his vows quite exceptionally! It has tested our love and all its boundaries, which has grown much stronger because of this. And so, I can say, I am THE luckiest girl to have the best husband in the world!!!
Our families have all been great... Thanks, ma, pa, mom and dad for your great words, support and prayers! And the same goes to our siblings... Kat, JB, Kevin and Spencer!!! We love you ALL!!!
My co-workers have been awesome... Some of them have gone through the same, exact experience and it has helped me a great deal to talk to them. Thank you very much, Cindy C., Cindy V., and May :-)!!! And most importantly, my boss, Pat... a big Thank You!!! Not everyone can say that they love their boss as much as I can!!! She has been a mother to me from the start and I feel so fortunate to be working with such a great team, who treat each other like family :-) They were all shocked to see me at work this morning and told me to go home and "rest"... LOL!!! I had a sweet card and flowers waiting for me in my office (from my boss) when I came in this morning :-)... Thank you all!!!
Last but definitely not the least... my girls--Jess, Em, Ash and Carla!!! Thanks for the endless conversations and camaraderie!!! Thanks for always making my day much much better :-)... I definitely cannot wait to paint the town red with y'all very SOON!!! LOL...
And so the day has come and gone... I was really worrying over NOTHING!!! An hour after the surgery, I was up and about--getting lunch with Rob at Tropical Smoothie, then renting a movie at Blockbuster... The next day (saturday), we drove to Valdosta, GA for Jess and Jim's baby shower/pool party... We had a really great time...
At the Bauers' (Jessica's parents) residence in Valdosta, GA
Spencer, mom and dad, relaxing by the pool house
Henry's ready to go swimmin' :-)
... and Jake's still being... well... JAKE!!!
A friendly game of shuttlecock!!!
The Maddox girls... getting ready for a swim
Before the pool got crowded...
The FUN part... Jess opening baby presents.... (No guys allowed) LOL
More presents
This is just the beginning... we're throwing Jess another shower (this time in Tallahassee) on July 28th!Yesterday, we had dinner with mom and dad at Momo's Pizza, al fresco :-)!!! And I've finally gotten great news from Annette... She and Eric have set a date--Saturday, March 29th, 2008!!! I immediately marked it on my calendar--"My Best Friend's wedding"--at Watercolor Inn, Santa Rosa Beach, FL!!! I can't wait...
Despite what I've been through, we've had an amazing weekend... I would not wish this to happen to anyone, but I am in a way thankful it happened... Because of this, I am FOREVER changed... It has opened my eyes on things I will never EVER take for granted again! God Bless...