Being Mrs. Walling

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take... but by the moments that take our breath away!

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Location: Tallahassee, Florida

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

ATL weekend

The weekend in Atlanta was fun, but way too short... I wish we could've stayed longer. We left Tallahassee at 6:30 pm on Friday... We stopped for dinner at Cordele, then got to Fayetteville--which is one of the many suburbs of ATL and is where my cousins live--around 11 pm... So, the drive was pretty short since Rob drove the whole way... Saturday morning, we went to the Georgia Aquarium... It was pretty awesome to think that the world's largest aquarium is in the middle of a bustling city, not even close to the shore!!! They literally have wall-to-wall aquariums and some are even overhead... The most amazing one was the tunnel aquarium (seen on the right)... We took a bunch of pictures, but I can only post several ones since some of the pics I took are kinda hazy (They won't allow flashes on some parts to protect the sea creatures!)... Anyways, here are some of the best pics and the funny ones... hehe..

Kevin, me and Rob

Kathryn, Kevin and Rob at the Jelly Fish aquarium

Kathryn with the giant spider crabs

Kevin with the catfish aquarium on the ceiling

Ok... Well, Blogger's acting up again... so, I'll put more pics of the aquarium and of Bella's birthday on my next post... Until then... Au revoir!


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