Happy "Birfday" JBizzle!

Today is my brother JB's birthday! He's 21... I can't believe it! We're not having a big celebration or anything tonight... We're just having some dinner and dessert at my parents' house. He even refuses to do the "Tennessee Waltz", which is a coming of age tradition at FSU, wherein when somebody turns 21, the birthday celebrant is dragged by his or her friends to all the bars along West Tennessee street... He or she then gets one complimentary drink at each bar... it's weird because the whole "ceremony" usually ends up on Copeland (not Tennessee), at the fountain in front of the Ruby Diamond Auditorium! FSU birthday celebrants (especially those turning 21) are notorious for vandalizing that fountain--making it one of the most historic AND memorable spots at FSU!!! Some common form of vandalism at the said fountain involves dumping tons of dishwashing liquid or detergent soap... This usually happens at least once a week and usually costs FSU thousands of dollars to clean up!
Anyways, JB's going to have the whole weekend to celebrate as we're going to Miami for the FSU vs. UM game on Labor day weekend! We already got a few invitations to some awesome parties... so, yeah, my brother will be well taken care of!
So... HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY JBizzle!!! We're going to have a lot of fun this weekend!!! We'll see you tonight... and as you always end your e-mails... "Peace on Earf!!!" :-)
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