Being Mrs. Walling

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take... but by the moments that take our breath away!

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Location: Tallahassee, Florida

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Another Week Has Come and Gone...

I can't believe it's been almost a week since I last updated... Well, let's see... Thursday night (yeah, last week!!!) with the newlywed girls was fun... We were just chit-chatting, while enjoying our frapuccinos and mochas, which went on for hours. It was great meeting the newbies... there were several of them!

Then, Friday night, I went to Jenny's for the crop meet... That was a lot of fun too! I was able to finish cropping all the showers (though I still have some journaling to do!) and I'm about to start the Rehearsal and Rehearsal Dinner next time I have some free time. I think we cropped from 6:30 until about 11 pm... so, I was ready for bed when I got home! Rob, on the other hand, played basketball with Kevin... He was tired and sore... Hmmm... I guess they played with some really REALLY quick guys!!! Haha!

Saturday, Rob and I went to Madison to Uncle Pete's tire factory... The place was pretty big and Jimmy (Rob's cousin) was really nice to give us a detailed tour of the place... I did learn a lot about tires that day. I must say, he's quite the tour guide!!! We also went to his log cabin-style home... It was really adorable!!! Ok, I know I promised to take pictures, but Rob and I were in a hurry to leave Tallahassee that we forgot to bring the camera with us!!! Oops... Well, Jimmy was also in a hurry to go to Lake City for a race, which his buddy was going to compete in so we didn't stay too long... But he did invite us back for some BBQ and some fun on his large property. He said we should all shoot some shotguns and pistols next time but I'm kinda scared to do that, so I will leave all that to the boys... but I will ride the ATV though!

On Saturday night, we had another girls' night out... Jess, Emilia, and I went to finally see "The Devil Wears Prada"... We've been planning on going for weeks now, but we always had conflicting schedules. So, I'm glad we finally did last Saturday! Rob had his own boys' night as well... He went to play basketball with his buddies again... It's fun to do things without Rob every now and then... It makes me miss him more and I usually could not wait to come home to him :-) !!!

On Sunday, we did our usual chores and Rob cleaned my car again!!! So, here (finally) are some pictures!

We had a relaxing Sunday night, we went out to dinner and then came home to watch "Must Love Dogs" on DVD. We did our grocery shopping on Monday night, which we haven't done in a while! And every night since then, we've been hanging out at my parents' house... Rob and I love watching TV with my siblings... We always crack up, especially when my sister Kathryn says some random comments on what we're watching! Rob's also been helping my dad look for bigger wheels and tires for Kevin's new truck on the Internet... Like I said... I just don't get why guys constantly do stuff to their cars... In this case, a brand new car, with brand new tires and wheels!!!

Tonight, we're just staying home... I'm cooking Rob a surprise dinner (since I don't cook that often), dim the lights, burn the candles, and have a romantic night! Tomorrow night, we're going to Lincoln's first football game of the season against Rickards High... I'm so excited... Football season is HERE!!! I'm crossing my fingers... Go Trojans!!!


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