Being Mrs. Walling

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take... but by the moments that take our breath away!

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Location: Tallahassee, Florida

Monday, August 14, 2006

In awe...

So, I was stunned at the hype and controversy generated by my previous post... My dad asked me to delete it and since I love and respect him too much, this is the least I could do!

With that said, I think I got my point across! And I'm sorry that it takes the "dirty" route to get our voices heard, but it worked! Nevertheless, I think that our family would NEVER EVER be underestimated ever again...

For now... I am just looking forward to the future and am putting the past behind me... I vow to help my sister HEAL because I love her so much and I am hoping she will eventually be able to forget (forgive would be great, but I think she would never be able to do that given the circumstances)! Hopefully, everybody learned something from this... and I know I definitely learned quite a few... I learned not to get involved between TWO people's little spat (even if I am dragged into it)... I understand that it is between TWO people and NOBODY else's business and I will stick to this principle LIKE AN ADULT should because that shows maturity.

On a brighter note, Rob, Spencer, and I spent the whole day at the FSU Fan day yesterday... It was so much fun!!! I will post pics of that on a later entry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think before you write next time...peace on earf'.

AKA Much luv...son!

2:26 AM, August 15, 2006  
Blogger Kerstin Joy Walling said...

I don't know about you... but I ALWAYS THINK before I WRITE... ;-)

8:42 AM, August 15, 2006  

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