Being Mrs. Walling

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take... but by the moments that take our breath away!

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Location: Tallahassee, Florida

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

We're STILL proud of you!!!

pictures ©Lincoln High School, Tallahassee, FL

I don't really know where to begin... But there comes a time in a boy's life when he realizes that he has to start deciding what's best for him and himself only... And through this, that boy slowly transforms into a man.

No matter what the parents say... no matter what the elders say... no matter what big sisters and big brothers say... it all comes down to what the boy thinks, feels, wants...

We all go through this phase--girls and boys alike... and God knows we've had our shares! At that point in life, we thought we knew it all... We thought we were wiser... We thought we were old enough to know what's best and that nobody else can dictate how our future would turn out but our own little self... Some decisions may have been well--even better--and yet there were some which we now wish could've been different... and we sit and wonder, what could've been if only we listened... if only we understood... if only we knew then that we should have done what we were told... If only......... And thus, we learn our lesson!

But for a boy to be a man, he must be given this freedom... This is his passage to adulthood. This is his treasured possession. This is what would make him wiser so that he can then later on pass down his wisdom to those after him...

His decision is only his... and he knows in his heart it will affect his future greatly! Then, in a few years, when he is wiser, he would look back to this day and weigh in what he had done... If he were right, he would hold his head up high... otherwise, he would swallow hard and think... If only....

Kevin, you know we all want what's best for you... but it ultimately comes down to your own decision... Thank you for the fun-filled years of basketball, track and especially football... For living the dream we wish we could have (if only we were physically capable of your abilities)... For the pride we felt everytime the commentator mentioned your name... For the thrill of chanting our Trojan fight song as we sit in a sea of Green and Gold... For enduring unendless pain touchdown after touchdown... For the excitement we felt at the sight of you on the field--holding the ball with great discipline, and executing the play with confidence... as we chant all together in the bleachers... L-I-N-C-O-L-N... Lincoln Trojans... Go... Fight... Win!!!

We're still VERY proud of you... We will support you... no matter what!

Down... Set... Hike...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kerstin that was nice....... tiiite u know it rhymed and all like that

9:27 PM, August 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kerstin! This is Gen (SMC HS - ID Kasipagan). Been lurking around your blog for sometime... Love your articles. hehehe It's still weird that you're married already... it's like only yesterday that we were classmates in HS. hehehe Anyway, just like you said in your latest post... we need to grow up someday and make our own decisions. Hope to read more of your posts! =)

6:27 AM, August 04, 2006  

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