The Catfish

When we got married, my cousin Fr. James officiated... He did a really great sermon and since he's known Rob for years, he felt very comfortable with it... One of the things he said was: "Kerstin loves to dance and Rob loves to play sports... he's very athletic... so, that's a good combination... you guys will have athletic kids who love to dance!!!"... That was funny, but he was so right.
Well, Rob plays basketball in the winter, in the city league with his co-workers representing their company... In the spring and early summer, he gets together with his buddies--most of whom have been friends with him since childhood through Little League baseball--and play city league softball... Well, last Spring, they formed a new team called the "Catfish". That's their logo above!
They didn't do well last season... but like Rob always says, "The game is not as important as the camaraderie!" It's true, in the dugout, they may yell at each other at times... spit on the ground... swing bats angrily against the fence... but in the end--great game or otherwise--they high-five each other, pound fists, do the bird, smack their bellies together while jumping in the air (especially when they win), give "bachelor" hugs, and all the other elaborate hand-shaking that guys made up... (hey, whatever happened to kissing each other on the cheek like European guys do?!?!)
Well, Wednesday night was the Catfish season opener. This time, they are more optimistic. They have gotten rid of the "bad apples" and they whipped their opponent 25-8!!!
Now, my calendar's starting to look like my old wedding planner. I've got Rob's softball games on Mondays, sometimes Wednesdays and Thursdays... I've got Kevin's football games on Friday nights and sometimes Thursday nights... and I've got tailgating parties and FSU games on Saturdays!!! All this, while trying to squeeze in my girls' night-outs, date nights with Rob, dinners with the in-laws and hanging out time with my parents and siblings! I'm loving my life and life is grand... I would not trade it for anything!!!
Rob's next game is Monday... hope the Catfish do as well or even better :-)... But for tonight, we're having our very first downtown get-down party of the season... It's the city-wide pre-game party for the Seminoles' first home game tomorrow!!!
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